Electranix Corporation

Date Established: 1982
Joined ESAM: 1995
Representative: Andrew L. Isaacs, P.Eng. M.Sc. (EE)

Electranix Corporation is an independent specialist engineering company, providing services in transmission system studies and simulation. Specialties include HV/EHV AC, HVDC and VSC transmission, FACTS, and renewable energy generation, as well as a complete range of supporting study services.

The challenges of integrating renewable energy and power electronic controlled transmission systems require unique experience and training, and Electranix is pleased to provide expertise in the following areas:

E-TRAN – Power System Translation Software

  • Translate PSS/e .raw files directly into PSCAD V3 or V4! See the E-TRAN Home Page for more information.

Simulation and Studies – We are able to provide support for PSCAD, Powerflow, Transient Stability and Short Circuit studies, including:

  • Simulation and study of complex systems involving power electronics, distributed generation and transmission. This includes the development of advanced simulation models such as FACTS, electric arc and induction furnaces, wind generation systems and others.
  • Custom models in PSSE, PSLF, or PSCAD, including highly detailed PSCAD models utilizing actual hardware code. These models have been prepared for many major wind turbine manufacturers.
  • Feasibility and system impact studies for new generation, as well as help with interconnection standard compliance.
  • SSR (Sub-synchronous resonance) analysis and shaft damage due to torsional oscillations, as well as SSTI, and SSCI analysis for power electronic interactions with each other and with series compensated transmission systems.
  • HVDC and AC transmission systems, transmission feasibility studies, reliability assessment, loss evaluation, cost analysis and preparation of technical specifications.
  • Insulation coordination of AC and HVDC systems, lightning studies, switching surge studies and ferro-resonance.
  • Power quality, D-STATCOM and DVAR applications, flicker control, harmonics, active filters, co-ordination of fast response controls.
  • Detailed modeling and simulation of digital and analog controls with interfaces to PSCAD/EMTDC, Matlab and real time controllers.
  • Voltage sourced converter transmission, upgrading of existing AC lines, transmission alternatives when new overhead transmission has a lengthy permitting process.
  • Variable speed drives, cyclo-converters, written pole motors.
  • Integration of wind farms and solar systems into AC systems. Reactive power requirements and voltage regulation studies using all types of machines and supporting equipment.
  • System impact and Interconnection Studies, as well as full capability in standard power system planning software.
  • Transmission line and cable modeling and studies. PLC (power line carrier) analysis.
  • Tri-pole DC research and application. Tri-pole DC is a very new technology used to upgrade existing 3-phase AC transmission line ratings without any increase in right-of-way requirements.

Training Services:

  • Teaching courses or providing hands-on workshops using PSCAD/EMTDC to emphasize course content. Special topics include VSC Transmission, HVDC transmission, FACTS, Insulation coordination.

Consulting Services:

  • As specialists in power system simulation, we can provide support in set-up and modeling of complex systems and controls, as well as on-site support when required.

Electranix Corporation was created in 2000, and has participated in many projects around the world. When needed, leading experts are sub-contracted as a complement to ensure the best solutions and designs are reached.



Atlantic Wind Connection Project
SEC System Improvement Project